Fortuna (Uttara-2)

Fortuna - Walk to success! Fortuna is a design driven brand that fuses the western and local fashion trends. We also believe in simplicity, creativity and quality. Our style are contemporary and fashion forward. Our philosophy of "live a simple life" inspires us to produce the trendy designs, comfortable fittings and superior quality. Fortuna Bangladesh is a group of small companies that always lead by innovation! From tasty spicy chicken at FFC to IBT producing award winning online games and applications, we always lead the way. The Fortuna Man Intelligent, Confident, Stylish, Creative, Relaxed, Driven, Modern and Out of the Box person. You always want something different that has quality and can be affordable. You make a statement with what you wear! Fortuna offers footwear for every occasion for your lifestyle. The contemporary office shoes & leather bags to the comfortable thong sandals, Fortuna fits your needs with simple, & fashionable products. The Fortuna Woman Simple, stylish, intelligent and extremely confident. You always want something different that is fashionable and affordable. You set the trends among your social circle with your attire, matching footwear and bag. Most of all you enjoy your simplicity. Fortuna knows simplicity very well. We provide simple yet fashionable footwear designs that can go with all settings. We provide matching accessories as well. We have bags and footwear for work and going out. The Fortuna Kid Energetic! Fun! Smart! They want to be comfortable. Our designs are simple, comfortable and most import specially designed for kids. We have a range from lightweight to the medium weight footwear to provide the little extra support that kids needs for their growth and safety.

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